Nature Cedar Wood Moth Hanger Ring

Author: admin / 2022-11-10
A Nature Cedar Wood Moth Hanger Ring is a great way to protect your clothing from moths. Cedar wood has an aromatic fragrance that repels moths. It is completely natural and contains no poison. The rings are also effective in preventing mildew from building up in storage units.

The cedar wood rings are designed to slip over existing hangers. They work best in small spaces, such as drawers, closets, gym bags, kids' bags, and lockers. The wood's smell repels moths and flies and helps keep clothes fresher longer. They are also compostable and recyclable.

These rings are made of natural cedar wood and are suitable for use in wardrobes and drawers. They come in a pack of ten. They are made from sustainable materials and are made from FSC-certified New Zealand cedar wood. They feature natural wood grain and a smooth finish.

The scent of cedar wood repels moths. After using it for six to twelve months, you can sand down the cedar moth hanger ring and bring out its scent once more. The product is 100% compostable, and you can re-use it as often as necessary.

Cedar wood comes in blocks and planks. It is also available in oil and chips. You can hang the cedar blocks on the closet's wall or in a basket among folded clothing. For more effective cedar moth protection, choose eastern red cedar instead of the western variety.

If you have a lot of cedar wood in your home, you can use a cedar wood moth hanger. Cedar is very effective against clothes moths. You can also use cedar oil or a sachet. Cedar can be blended with other essential oils or herbs to make them less toxic. They are also safer to use around children.

Cedar has natural oils and the scent of cedar wood repels moths. However, if the cedar is a centuries-old chest, the oils will begin to wear off and will not have the same effect. If the cedar chest is kept indoors, the oil will not have an impact on the larvae and pupae of the moth.