The Benefits of a Wood Boot Tree

Author: admin / 2022-12-20
A wood boot tree can help you keep your boots in tip-top shape for years to come. Not only will it keep your boots upright, but it will also prevent them from collapsing around the ankles. Made of sustainably grown Japanese "kiri" wood, boot trees are lightweight, fast-growing, and durable. 
There are many benefits to using a cedar shoe tree, including its ability to repel insects and keep your boots smelling fresh. Cedar has a strong woodsy fragrance that is pleasing to the olfactory system and has the ability to mask foul smells. It also adds a fresh fragrance to your closet.
Another benefit of a boot tree is that it prevents shoes from creasing. This is an important characteristic for tall boots, which often have a higher heel. It can also help maintain the shape of ankle boots, which tend to have a higher heel. These tall shoes can benefit from shoe inserts, which hold their shape more effectively.
A cedar boot tree can preserve your leather boots, as the wood absorbs moisture and helps them dry. Excess moisture can cause cracks, wrinkles, and permanent changes in shape, as well as rot. Unlike plastic trees, cedar boot trees help leather shoes last longer by absorbing moisture. However, they need to be inserted after taking your boots off, so they have time to dry out before you wear them again.
Another great benefit of a wood boot tree is that it can help maintain the shape of your shoes. It will prevent your shoes from creasing, as well as absorb moisture from your feet. Moreover, it will also help prevent the leather from deterioration. Wood boot trees can also help keep your shoes dry and odor-free.